Stay safe from the threats of the ongoing pandemic. Observe the simple precautions set by health authorities, regularly check COVID-19 updates, and follow your state guidelines. New Channel Counselling cooperates in protecting your physical health as we secure your mental health. We are now offering telecounseling to continue providing our services remotely.

Don’t hesitate to call us today! 403-815-8372

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Introducing New Channel Counselling

Have you been dealing with anxiety and depression? Are you having difficulties with low self-esteem? It may be time to seek support in understanding and managing your challenges and difficulties. With commitment and dedication, things could look different for you. We want to meet you where you are, and we are happy to support you whenever you are ready.

therapist comforts sad patient

What We Do Our Services

We offer individualized services to understand and address the unique needs of each client.

patient talks with therapist online

Counseling for Anxiety Disorders

We offer counseling to address symptoms related to anxiety.

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lady comforts sad girl


We endeavor to understand the nature of our clients' depression.

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group of teens clapping

Group Therapy

We conduct group discussions lead by a mental health counselor.

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couple talks with therapist

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Discover how we can further help you with your mental and behavioral health needs.

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Our Commitment Mission Statement

Our mission is to offer our clients a counseling environment where they can feel safe and secure in sharing their thoughts about their challenges and difficulties. We also aim to offer them quality individualized services that address their unique condition.

[ About Us ]


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If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to drop a message.